Friday, 5 August 2011

C Practice Set [Basic Programs]

1. Write a program in C to display the message " welcome to c           
    program in C me writing”?

2. Write a program in C to find the area of circle?
3. Write a program in C to find the area of triangle ?
4. Write a program in C to find the area of sphere?
5. Write a program in C to find the circumference of circle?
6. Write a program in C to find the area of circle using input value?
7. Write a program in C to find the area of triangle using input value?
8. Write a program in C to find the area of sphere using input value?
9. Write a program in C to find the circumference of circle using input 

10.Write a program in C to read and print a given character?
11. Write a program in C to print the ASCII value of given character?
12. Write a program in C to read and print the given integer?
13. Write a program in C to read and print the given float?
14. Write a program in C to read and print the given float with two
      decimal places?

15. Write a program in C to read and print the given double?
16. Write a program in C to read and print the given double with two
      decimal places?

17. Write a program in C to Arithmetic operations of two integer

18. Write a program in C to Arithmetic operations of two integer
       numbers. Print these results in separate lines?

19. Write a program in C to Arithmetic operations of two long
      numbers. Print these results in separate lines?

20. Write a program in C to Arithmetic operations of two float
       numbers. Print these results in separate lines?

21. Write a program in C to Arithmetic operations of two double
      numbers. Print these results in separate lines?

22. Write a program in C to print the upper case letters to lower case?
23. Write a program in C to print the lower case letters to upper case?
24. Write a program in C to read float value and print integer

25. Write a program in C to read int value and print float equivalent?

click here for Answer!!!

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